Management Information Audit object Factory Address Factory Address Audit time Last audit time Audit products Audit enterprise Audit results PHEXCOM Audit experts PHEXCOM Other participants
Audit results rating Serious project: The project is extremely serious, the audited companies need to take immediate corrective action. Major projects: The project is more serious, or the unified area or system observed a large number of small problems, the audited enterprises should take immediate corrective action. General project: The project is not very serious, but if it is not corrected as soon as possible, may become a serious problem, the audited enterprises must follow-up to ensure that there will be no system problems. Opinion : This is an the inadequacies improvement recommendations inadequacies are not bound to defect. The main area is generally acceptable,But can also be improved. The audited companies are not obliged to respond.
Proposed measures Found that every serious projects, major projects and projects should have a corrective action file, and should serve as a recommended course of action, as an acceptable alternative.
Company Rating Acceptable: ***Continue the current business and new business. Conditional acceptance: *** Users to add appropriate testing project, to continue the current business, the supplier should be temporarily removed from the supplier list in the "qualified" and "certified". *** Should wait until the serious projects and major projects to be satisfactorily addressed in a follow-up audit confirmed after new business. Can not accept:*** And users can temporarily continue the current business *** User Group immediately strong intervention to ensure that audit companies willing and have the ability to quickly perform corrective action, *** shall be satisfactorily resolved in serious projects and major projectsin order to carry out the follow-up audit confirmed the new business. The most likely course of action is to find new suppliers.
Audit details Basic information Organizations and personnel ?Serious problem ?Major issues ?General Questions Facility Raw material storage ?Serious problem ?Major issues ?General Questions Production equipment ?Serious problem ?Major issues ?General Questions Operating ?Serious problem ?Major issues ?General Questions Laboratory operations ?Serious problem ?Major issues ?General Questions ?Comment R & D department ?Serious problem ?Major issues ?General Questions Quality System Document control ?Serious problem ?Major issues ?General Questions Conclusion